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Avoid These 7 Toxic Ingredients in Your Supplements

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Do you take vitamins and supplements? Well, there could be some compromising ingredients in there. We’ll go through seven toxic ingredients that could be lurking in your supplements.  


1. Magnesium Stearate

The first one on the list is called magnesium stearate or it could say vegetable stearic acid. This is and has never been tested to be safe for long-term human consumption. It is a chemical, it's not magnesium as a supplement. They use it as a flow agent to help to speed up production times. So what it does is it goes outside, it goes and coats those raw materials, whether that's your herbal medicines, whether that's your vitamins, your minerals and it helps to speed up the manufacturing process. It is coating and going on on top of your raw materials, it can hinder the proper absorption of the vitamins you're taking that are supposed to be good for your health. Plus for some people, the magnesium stearate can cause some stomach upset, acid reflux, and for people who are sensitive it can even cause heart palpitations. So it's something that you should check your vitamin labels for to make sure that it doesn't have magnesium stearate. 

2. Microcrystalline Cellulose

Number two on the list of toxic ingredients that could be lurking in your supplements is microcrystalline cellulose. This is made from wood chips and it is a fiber that your stomach and your intestinal tract isn't so good at dealing with. They use it to fill up the capsules or to make those hard tablets. Again a filler you don't necessarily want to be ingesting. If you're taking good high-quality supplements, they don't use these fillers, they don't need to because they're putting just good ingredients hopefully whole food ingredients into the supplements. 

3.  Silicon Dioxide

Another one to look out for on your vitamin labels is called silicon dioxide. Now this is something that if you've seen those little desiccant packs when maybe you get a new pair of shoes or you've purchased a bag or sometimes it says do not eat on it.  This is actually inside your vitamin pack, in your vitamin bottle, and sometimes it's in protein powders as well. So, silicon dioxide in an ingestible form is powdered down, they use it as a filler in supplements, it also helps to make things nice and white as you can see the color of it is quite white. 

4. Titanium Dioxide

Now it's evil twin titanium dioxide and they use it for similar reasons to silicon dioxide but this has now been banned in the entire European Union. France got rid of it over 3 years ago it is something that you need to be aware of. If you do more research yourself just on this one ingredient alone you'll see the possible links to cancer when this is actually in your products. Can be a very scary thing. Now you have to look for this in your beauty products as well. It is still allowed here in North America. So make sure your vitamins don't contain that titanium dioxide. 

5. Croscarmellose Sodium 

So number five on the list of toxic ingredients that could be in your supplements is Croscarmellose Sodium. They use this as a disintegrant which can be very harmful especially if you have a compromised digestive tract. If you're Celiac you don't want to be taking and ingesting this toxic ingredient. It can cause eye irritations if you get it in your eyes and can even cause skin irritations so that's another one to ensure is not found in your vitamins and supplements. 

6. Talc

Number six on the list is talc. We know that in the news we've heard about talc and it’s possible link to cancer. This is something that we do not want to be ingesting in our supplements. Another toxic ingredient that can be hiding in there if you're not reading your labels carefully. 

7. Potassium Sorbate

Number seven on the list of toxic ingredients to be aware of is potassium sorbate. So they're using this as a preservative, it's often found in liquid formulations but other formulations as well. Make sure you're not ingesting that potassium sorbate and check all your vitamin bottles. 


Toxic ingredients in your supplements to avoid:
  1. Magnesium Stearate
  2.  Microcrystalline Cellulose
  3.  Silicon Dioxide
  4. Titanium Dioxide
  5. Croscarmellose Sodium
  6. Talc
  7. Potassium Sorbate

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